Unconditional Love

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Unconditional Love
Do we possess the ability to have unconditional love for each other like God has for us.
When I talk about unconditional love I talk about my children because I love them unconditional that means no matter what they have done no matter what they're going to do no matter how they live I will unconditionally love them no matter what.
But does this happen when we get married, and do we think of our spouse in that sense of weather it is just love or is it unconditional love.
Like if your spouse went out and found someone else and then she leaves you and moves in with her new boyfriend. And you've been married now for 3 years.
Would we think of her as one of our children or would we think of her as a friend that has betrayed us.
Isn't that something we think about our spouse is our best friend and we do everything with them. Then all of a sudden they betray us and for some reason then all of our friendship just goes away. They leave on their own.
Was that person our true love and our true friend when they betrayed us.
Once this happened, we are heartbroken because we thought that we would spend the rest of our lives together no matter what happens, no matter what happens.
Then they go and betray us and seek someone else for reasons over time that just does not matter. When we get old things slow down there's a lot of things that we can't even do anymore that they think at the time is important. But it was only important to them at that time and it seemed like it was so important that they had to leave and seek what they were looking for only to find disappointment.
For in the long run for what they were seeking did not come to pass. If it was it didn't last long.
We have to learn by example of what Jesus taught and what he did.
For his love for us no matter what we've done no matter where we go and no matter what God loves us unconditionally.
There's no ifs ands or buts for the matter what his love for us is unconditional.